The Great British Baking Show: Series 7 – I mean…DUH.
Pose - A series set in the 80’s and 90’s showing the ball culture of queer and trans people of color. If you’re interested in LGBTQ+ television and historical fiction I highly recommend this series. Pose really sheds a much-needed light on queer people of color and does so in a way that’s consumable as a television show. I’ve cried at least five times watching the first season, so be warned, you may need some tissues.
Derry Girls – I watched Derry Girls when it first came on Netflix, but during September Chris and I have been watching through the series together so it counts for this list. This show is a comedy that follows a set of friends going to a Catholic school in Northern Ireland during The Troubles. If you don’t know much about The Troubles I would highly recommend you educate yourself on the basics before watching this program because I think it would be hard to follow if you don’t know anything about what’s going on historically. Chris and I think it’s so funny and we really love to watch it together. It’s definitely worth watching!
Films/Limited Series
Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates – I’m pretty certain Chris and I will be talking about this miniseries for a long time. The documentary talks about Bill Gates’ upbringing, his personality, his current ventures etc. and it was incredibly inspiring to watch. The humanitarian work he is involved in is extraordinary and thoughtful. The efficiency with which he runs his life is amazing, yet he seems very interested in people as well. One part of the series I was amazed by was his book collection. First of all, the amount of books in his house is amazing, but Bill Gates carries around a large tote bag with thirty books in it everywhere he goes. The subjects of the books demonstrated were so varied and the speed at which he reads is insane. His comprehension is excellent as well! It makes me want to utilize my time better. Anyway, I could go on and on about this documentary, but I would just say watch it! I loved it!
American Factory – This documentary was fascinating! In an interview with the Obamas, they mentioned wanting to present stories and people the average American wouldn’t come in contact with, or might not have the chance to if not through television/film. They accomplished that with this documentary. It’s about a GM factory in Ohio shutting down and later reopening to produce windshields for a Chinese company. The sociological and communicational dynamics are so interesting! I was geeking out the whole time. I have thought about it nearly every day after watching it a week ago. It was simply eye opening and also a beautiful snapshot of people. The directors let everyone involved be completely themselves and there seemed to be little bias toward any point of view. Highly recommend!
Books (for me)
I’m currently readingAmericanahby Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and have been for the month of September. I’ll let you know what I think about it whenever I finish.
Books (for the tiny human)
The Rabbit Listenedby Cori Doerrfeld – Such a valuable book for all ages! We got this one a while ago, but I want to mention it here because I think it’s so important. In Glennon Doyle’s book Love Warriorshe speaks about the different reactions people around her had to her divorce. There were people trying to fix things, people comparing her situation with a worse one, people telling her how to feel etc. Those who helped her the most were the people who let her be herself and feel her feelings and just stayed with her through it all. That’s what this book, The Rabbit Listened, teaches. It’s such a valuable lesson for all of us to learn.
Explorers of the Wildby Cale Atkinson – A freaking cute book about a bear and a boy on wilderness adventure. It’s been a while since I laughed so much from a kid’s book! The illustrations are so good too!
One Step by Ingrid Nilsen – The podcast started this month and I’m hooked. I enjoy it SO much! I’ve followed Ingrid on YouTube and Instagram since she started out, and I love watching her evolve. Many YouTubers seem to have a difficult time with showing their growth to viewers, they stay were things are comfortable or where things are working so their viewership stays at high levels. Ingrid may be nervous to do so as well, but she has shown a clear growth in her life to viewers. She is a woman in her thirties now and you can tell. She isn’t catering things to the 14-year-old girl. The podcast is a true reflection of Brene Brown’s concept that vulnerability is strength and courage. Just from the videos she’s produced in 2019, and especially these podcast episodes, she has formed deeper connections with those in her sphere of influence. In this first month of the podcast she has touched on motherhood, vulnerability, body hair, money etc. and it hasn’t been comfortable. These interviews she does make you stretch, and I think that’s just what a good podcast should be. I cannot say enough good things about it!
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations, Malcolm Gladwell: Talking to Strangers - Just listen. If you want to take a look at how you respond to those outside you then just listen. If you want to be a better human just listen. I bought Malcolm Gladwell’s newest book days after listening to this interview because it just sounds so changing! Oprah said Talking to Strangers, “will actually change not just how you see strangers, but how you look at yourself, the news- the world.” I can think of few people better than Oprah to get a book rec from!
Instagram Accounts
hummingbirdhigh – Michelle is a fun person to follow! She bakes, so you know I’m on board, BUT she also shares recipes which you can primarily bake on weeknights. We’re all busy, and whether you’re a parent, you work fulltime, or you’re tied down with studies, baked goods you can whip up in one evening are probably the most you can manage. That’s why she started her website hummingbirdhigh and that’s also why she wrote the cookbook Weeknight Baking Book which comes out the end of October. I’ll be sharing more about the book soon because I’ve been selected to receive an advanced copy. I can’t wait to tell you all about the goodness inside!
If you’re interested in preordering the book you can find it here:
onesteppodcast – This is the Instagram account for the One Step Podcast by Ingrid Nilsen, and it’s worth following even if you don’t listen to the podcast. (But why wouldn’t you listen to it????) They’re always posting inspirational and thought-provoking things. I like that they are really seeking to create a community as well. There are always polls or questions to answer where you can be involved in the group. I really enjoy following them!
rodarte – Did you guys see the SS20 Rodarte Collection Portrait Series? No? Go see it! It’s gorgeous!
Home Bits
Target candles – Seasonal candles are one of the things that makes autumn so cozy! We
smelled all the Target-brand candles and our favorite ended up being the “Pumpkin Spice Latte” one. It burns out pretty quickly, but it smells so good!
Apple picking – at the BYU-Idaho campus they have apple picking in the campus orchard. It costs $0.50 per pound and they have so many varieties of apple to choose from! It’s so fun to wander around with your bucket and pick apples as a family. Our son loved it both times he went. If you’re in the area I highly recommend going!

Everything bagel with cream cheese, salt, pepper and tomato has been my favorite lunch lately. It’s so basic, but so good!
My Salsa Verde Pork Pie is my favorite dinner we’ve had this month. It’s a delicious pie full of tex-mex flavors! You can find it here:
Restaurant (fast food – gourmet)
Dairy Queen’s butterscotch dipped cone – I’m a sucker for soft serve and I love butterscotch so…what isn’t to love???
Dutch Bros – I discovered Dutch Bros when we were in Portland this summer and we went to the one in Idaho Falls twice so far. I love it! They have good coffee, the prices are SO cheap (compared to Starbucks) and they have a crazy amount of flavors to choose from. My favorite flavor so far has been the “Nutty Irishman” which has Irish cream and hazelnut in it.